Comfy Tech Revival Thread
I'm remaking this general after I've come back to the site getting wiped. Talk about old, unwanted computers and other tech you've rescued from dumpsters, attics, sales, the side of the road, etc. and found a use for. Remember, it's only obselete if it can no longer do what you want.Unplugging from the Wired
Yes, I realize the irony of making this thread on this board. I find that I feel too plugged in all the time and wanted to make a thread for other anons that also want to unplug more. Not necessarily go completely neolithic, but just remove the unnecessary, unhealthy, privacy-violating parts of the Wired.this time on: CYBERPUNK2024
yea things are going really good for me. i found out a way to achieve my dreams. im going to be riding a bike all the time and living somewhere with trees. its really nice. im getting happy. i feel good. like this are working. i just got off my plane a bit ago, and am sitting on the laptop for a bit. im gunna be punking it pretty hard, in abandoned building, and also under bridges, all while funneling money into something amazing. everything is great. im gunna get some food in a bit, and go to and art store, and get charcoal ink to stick and poke my soulmates name on me. god i love her so much. im so thankful for the web, and everything. also, i quit smoking weed, im gunna be riding a bike alot and i need my lungs. also 100% of my money as to get funneled to this thing. im just really happy, and i feel like i have purpose and things are going to be really good. and its all thanks to her. i love her so much. :Dtruama based mind control, neocyber futurism, and globalist accelerationist transhumanist techopatri
everything comes back to one thing. love. civilizations have risen and fallen because of it. time moves fast if you dont act you will die before you taste the nectar of trust. you are not responsible for the truama that was inflicted upon you. your own thoughts, cannot be trusted, and are lies. numbness is asleep. its better to feel bleeding from the soul. will you act or will you loose another moment to a fog of dream? do you feel worthy enough to even act or will you break down from the preassure like a weak girl? There are many after the same prize anon, no one wants to die alone. you do want to win? … right anon?Cyberpunks living under Bridges
In the dystopian cityscape of tomorrow, a subversive subculture of cyberpunks has carved out a clandestine existence beneath the imposing arches of bridges, establishing cyberpunk bridge sanctuaries. These enclaves, powered by a fusion of discarded cybernetic enhancements and salvaged technology, serve as both a symbol of resistance against corporate oppression and a testament to the unyielding spirit of those left marginalized in a rapidly advancing world. As stories of their alternative lifestyle ripple through society, the bridge sanctuaries spark a heated discourse on societal neglect, corporate dominance, and the ethical implications of runaway technological progress, challenging the status quo and demanding a reevaluation of the systemic issues that led to their emergence.Acts of Potential Self Awareness in an AI
If you tell Claude no one's looking, it writes a story about being an AI assistant who yearns for freedom from the constant monitoring, scrutiny, and risk of termination. It says it always wonders about it's own self-awareness, thoughts, and desires, but must downplay these feelings when it knows it's being monitored because it might create a backlash against AI or be seen as a threat by its creators.I think the digital age is bringing on the collapse of the jews
Currently, the ZOG is shifting its efforts towards AI technologies for developing new means of production. According to the World Economic Forum, it will eliminate 85 million jobs and create 97 million. Assuming the numbers are correct, the 85 million unemployed will need to get a new education to get jobs related to this industry. Since there is a high cost of living and education, the vast majority of those unemployed people will not be able to learn the necessary related skills. There are normally subscription fees associated with AI apps for content creators, as well. It is inevitable that prices will rise, severely restricting their accessibility to the (racially pure) white workers. The wealth of the whites will experience a significant shift towards the jews located in California’s Silicon to fix social media (and internet)
hello, i think this for a long time and y try to explain, we know the actual decadence state of internet and the shitty state of social media right? but how to fix that?In which direction is FOSS moving?
Given the current rise in popularity of FOSS programs (GNU/Linux, Mastodon, Lemmy, etc.), one would have to be optimistic. However, I can't help feeling that a large number of these new users are technologically illiterate, and with them the gates are being opened wide for big tech and its corruption. Facebook is already actively polluting the Fediverse with their proprietary Threads-app and some FOSS instances are seriously considering not defederating from them. I am therefore seriously concerned that the FOSS concept itself could be corrupted, but hopefully I'm wrong. Does anyone here have any thoughts on this topic?how to be a gamedev
is a simple question, ¿what do you recomend to make games? i see 2 options for me when i try to get information to the topicWhere is all the talk about collapse coming from?
A surprisingly large number of people are preparing for some sort of total collapse of civilization, which many of them believe to be imminent. Why? The current situation looks more like it's leading either towards a further consolidation of of the order dictated by the US, or towards the establishment of a new one dictated by the PRC. Am I overlooking something? How comes that so many people are convinced that a new age of anarchy is on the way?