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hello, i think this for a long time and y try to explain, we know the actual decadence state of internet and the shitty state of social media right? but how to fix that?

i see sites like this, forum and imaeboard that are more hide to the public eye of the mainstream social media like this site or agora roadś machintosh forum for example (and other sites like this with cyberpunk aesthethic but them die)

this comunities for example have other way of think outside of the social media, are not coonsumer and not souless, sites like this try to make original things like the lainzane

>> we hate lainchan

i know but i need to give a example

i try to say ¿can we create a comuniti without the shit we hate of social media? ¿can we make a little comunity that are more healty and more soulfull?

this sound like idealistic and fancy, but we lost something with try and in the case of this ideal comunity colapse, It is better to try even if you fail than to do nothing

¿what do you think?


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I've had the good fortune of seeing a few healthy communities: ChiefDelphi, a forum about a robotics competition, LessWrong, a forum about AI and rationality, and Lobste.rs, basically Hacker News but invite only.

I'm not sure if this is enough to draw conclusions from, but I'd guess that being specific or niche or small, having an input stream of content like news or blogs, and having a core of people who know eachother in person are major factors that make these communities work.


hey i think its a bunch of idealistic crap but u r not alone

i read ur post and so on
hang in there

maybe well meet in the wired again
u r seen


i see the forums and are comfy, sites like this are to try to say, a niche or small but comfy comunitys, without the problems of social media like twitter, tik tok, youtube etc, and i know comfy sites in more mainstream platforms like discord comunitys, no all is lost

other example is the imageboard comunity like lainchan or arisuchan before die, why no to try to build a comfy cyberpunk comunity like in the past?

well, the internet are slowly die but, what do we lose by trying to do something good on the internet?

i am fed up to see how internet dies and do nothing to stop this sad and shitty era

>>hey i think its a bunch of idealistic crap but u r not alone

i am happy to hear thath, in cyberpunk forums like this, lainchan and other i see similar ideas and opinions, for ideas like this i like to visit cyberpunk forums and y like to try to build a forum like this or lainchan before dies


The internet and SM died, when they changed from chronologic to algorithmic feeds. This is the root of all problems, simple as. I have thought about this for years and that was my final conclusion.
before algorithmic feeds the internet was a representation of reality - social media was a personal representation and vlogs were about what happens in your life or what you want to talk about.
After algorithmic feeds the reality became a representation of your feeds. because your feeds manipulate you. They show you successful, beautiful, influencal and most important: most viewed content IN YOUR BUBBLE. So youll be shown the most dramatic, obscure, attentionwhoring content possible and this creates trends, because what works will be copied.

Before algorithms the internet was a representation of reality, since algorithmic feeds we live in a hyperreality


wow bro, that is dramatic and sad

>>when they changed from chronologic to algorithmic feeds. This is the root of all problems

i agree with you but we can try to fix that? for example, with little comunitys like this?

>>before algorithmic feeds the internet was a representation of reality - social media was a personal representation and vlogs were about what happens in your life or what you want to talk about

thats the reasons of why people like the old internet, because internet are more authentic, honest and even innocent, now all feels like artificial and soulles, the worst part are the NPC mentality and see myself and ask me what i am, ¿am i a NPC? and if is true, what do y should to do to stop being a NPC

>>After algorithmic feeds the reality became a representation of your feeds. because your feeds manipulate you. They show you successful, beautiful, influencal and most important: most viewed content IN YOUR BUBBLE. So youll be shown the most dramatic, obscure, attentionwhoring content possible and this creates trends, because what works will be copied.

thats the big problem and the terrorific mass manipulation like 1984 novel

i understand the problem but you dont feel frustated to see how internet dies and do nothing to stop it? i dont say to fix the problem, becaues is imposible to one person change a society but it doesn't make you want to do something good on the internet? what happesn with comunitys like this, comfy, little and cyberpunk sites like this, lainchan, arisuchan, wired-7 etc, They don't feel like they're in an oasis when they find a good place like>>2529

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