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wired - 15 Recent echoes from the wired.


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Holy fuck, I know none of the shit I vent about here will ever help, I am a lost fucking cause. Neo liberalism allows sad fucks like me to bypass the laws of natural selection.
I was gonna meet my friends who I've abstained from for 8 months today. I was gonna go to church and beg for the means to push though my sad state of fucking being and praise the lord for my gifts. I was gonnaq gonna study literature this year. I was gonna excell in my studies these two fucking weeks.

Today I spent all of my fucking day fucking gooning. Not giving a single fuck of awareness. Fucking GOONING. I spent the most important day for me to see the only people who have t bear my loser fucking personhood. Fuck. I want to fucking kill myself out of anger of myself. Waste of fucking time.
Its midnight now. Just finished my gooning fucking session, of building up for 8 hours. Only now it striked me, fuck my motherfucking soul. It was such a fucking giant orgasm I entered a meditative state for a minute, and all I could think of? It gave me a realization, a long time I've had such a brain numbing orgasm, I realized I've spent a year using my dick, not computers, not imageboards, not alcohol or someshit MY FUXKING DICK. IVE BEEN GOONING ALMOST EVERY FUCKINV DAY for . I HAVE ACCOMPLISHED NOTHUNG NOT OUT OG LAAZINESS, OUT OF FUCKING GOONING. FUCKIBG G O O N I N G. I've been using my fucking porb addiction anf wasted the most important fucking years of my life.

I know I'm still a faggot and will keep gooning, a gun to my wasteful skull would be good merit. I will do hypnosis as it did help plenty and shit but I doubt I will overcome my bullshit, its all just shorf delay to the eventual conclusion. Not sure if I'll sleep this night. To wake up with fresh thoughts and decide to goon again? Epictetus would kill me for natures sake, what the fuck am I doing in my life. Even now, posting this here, its complete bullshit. Holy fuck i sill ve surprised the day my death comes. My life is short term bullshit. Goodbye.
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𐔌𐔍𐔛𐔝𐔖𐔙𐔍𐔀 𐔇 𐔀𐔙𐔝𐔇𐔠𐔇 𐔗𐔈𐔙𐔉𐔜𐔍𐔓 𐔃𐔄𐔖 𐔀𐔏𐔝𐔍𐔠𐔍𐔝𐔇𐔝 𐔖𐔛𐔇 𐔗𐔙𐔖𐔄𐔟𐔏𐔝 𐔝𐔈 𐔏𐔙𐔍𐔎𐔟𐔀𐔙 𐔔𐔊𐔀 𐔕𐔇𐔙𐔍𐔟 𐔗𐔈𐔙 𐔘𐔈𐔑𐔍𐔒𐔇 𐔏𐔖𐔒𐔟𐔓𐔍𐔏𐔟𐔇𐔛𐔇 𐔘𐔈 𐔜𐔗𐔙𐔇𐔌𐔍𐔓 𐔍𐔄𐔇, 𐔇𐔒𐔖𐔂𐔍𐔖𐔓𐔇 𐔖𐔛𐔇 𐔕𐔈 𐔠𐔍𐔣𐔍𐔖𐔓 𐔝𐔈 𐔁𐔖𐔝𐔈𐔛. 𐔀𐔙𐔝𐔍 𐔗𐔈𐔙𐔄𐔖𐔙 𐔒𐔇𐔝𐔖𐔄𐔀 𐔝𐔈 𐔅𐔙𐔢𐔜𐔒𐔇, 𐔝𐔈 𐔝𐔍𐔑𐔀 𐔛𐔍 𐔗𐔐𐔀𐔛𐔝𐔍𐔏𐔇, 𐔋𐔟𐔌𐔈𐔛𐔖𐔙𐔇, 𐔛𐔖𐔓𐔖𐔙𐔇 𐔀𐔗𐔖 𐔝𐔈 𐔗𐔈𐔙𐔣𐔍𐔇𐔙𐔀. 𐔌𐔍𐔛𐔝𐔖𐔙𐔍𐔀 𐔇 𐔀𐔙𐔝𐔇𐔠𐔇 𐔛𐔍 𐔕𐔈 𐔄𐔍𐔛𐔍𐔗𐔐𐔍𐔓𐔈 𐔀𐔏𐔀𐔄𐔇𐔒𐔍𐔏𐔇 𐔛𐔍 𐔆𐔇 𐔒𐔎𐔇𐔄𐔍𐔛𐔍 𐔇 𐔏𐔀𐔓𐔈 𐔣𐔀𐔏𐔖𐔓 𐔝𐔀 𐔏𐔟𐔉𐔍𐔣𐔖𐔎𐔓𐔈 𐔀𐔝𐔈 𐔓𐔈 𐔝𐔈 𐔀𐔜𐔝𐔟𐔘𐔟𐔀𐔎𐔝𐔟𐔙𐔀𐔝 𐔀𐔙𐔝𐔇 𐔗𐔀𐔒𐔖𐔙𐔇 𐔖𐔛𐔇 𐔗𐔐𐔀𐔛𐔝𐔍𐔏𐔇 𐔅𐔈𐔙𐔛𐔀 𐔘𐔈 Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


ꕉꕜꕮ ꔔꘋ ꖸ ꔰ ꗋꘋ ꕮꕨ ꔔꘋ ꖸ ꕎ ꕉꖸꕊ ꕴꖃ ꕃꔤꘂ ꗱ, ꕉꖷ ꗪꗡ ꔻꔤ ꗏꗒꗡ ꕎ ꗪ ꕉꖸꕊ ꖏꕎ. ꕉꕡ ꖏ ꗳꕮꕊ ꗏ ꕪ ꗓ ꕉꖷ ꕉꖸ ꕘꕞ ꗪ. ꖏꖷ ꕉꖸꔧ ꖏ ꖸ ꕚꕌꘂ ꗷꔤ ꕞ ꘃꖷ ꘉꔧ ꗠꖻ ꕞ ꖴꘋ ꔳꕩ ꕉꖸ ꗳ.


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>tfw ur soulmate wants to be some psychopaths bitch, and your in your room alone gooning


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anon 8 hours is really excessive yow gotta learn to cum faster


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Hey i wanted to post my art here i know it isnt the best since my art skills are pretty umm shit but i felt like posting it here
i hope you like it
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yeah sorry for not responding eheres some more art i guess


cool style post some more!


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heres some more!!


have you drawn any kirby-related art?



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gm :3


I said it today, but they didn't say it back.


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good morning friend


And a good morning to you!
That was really something because I came here to post that…
I said it again today and this time they said it back.


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Support Cyberpunk Bridge Sanctuaries
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


i really feel like i need to move my body more….


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maybe try giving calisthenics a shot :D >>844


well really i just need to live a healthy balenced lifestyle. sadly bridges, not neets, is that…


im sorry niether bridges, nor neets. its like the body a zen. idk ha


but obviously also dont get a job at wallgreens or whatever kek


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That's your "image board" ?
>We are a Lain focused community that encourages philosophical, esoteric, alternative, counterculture related, technological and cyberpunk discussion, this being with a mature userbase. We have a variety of boards for you entertainment and discussion.
>The Wirechan experience is expected to be comfy, and philosophical.
<just the same few alt-chan nomads dumping their weebshit again



It didn't use to be so.


What more do you want?




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I'm so sad I thought that I could feel it
bring so fucked can't fucking deal with it
fuck this screen just want to smash it
fuck the distance fucking kill myself I can't fucking deal with this
something secret something special something hidden just you and me so special but it's nothing in the end a web so fragile sudden things happen in our physical world that tear us apart and will never see each other again or hear from each other again I don't want to lose you I never wanted to lose you I wanted to be together
it hurts so fucking bad how fucked up the world is and how I've never going to actually touch you
I want to feel that love so fucking bad I can't fucking take this shit it hurts so much in the most deep part of my soul
I guess in the end we just die and then it's the end a dream maybe that's all it ever was just a dream that hurts so fucking much


it just hurts so bad I don't want to let you go I don't want to fucking feel this it's a fuck fuck this I can't fucking handle it I just want to fucking feel you feel Bliss I just want to feel you I just want to feel you I just want to feel you I just wish that I can fucking touch you fucking side of shit I just want to hold you so close I just want to hold you fucking here so bad I just want to touch you I just want to touch you fucking scream I don't want this up makes you want to scream makes you want to scream it makes me want to scream fucking kill everyone it makes you want to scream I'll fuck I can't handle this pain meaning so bad I just want to fucking die I can't fucking take it anymore fuck I want to die I want to die just want you by my side oh I give anything just to hold you how I kill someone just to touch you anything just to fucking be near you oh fuck I'm so jealous of everybody that lives on you oh fuck I just wish I had you life it's so cool I don't want to fucking be here fuck this I give a do this I can want to be here I don't want to be here fuck help me I just want to touch you it's so cruel I hate the world I want to be with you I don't want this type of shit I just want you fuck everything fuck my life fuck it all I know you want to fucking be alive at all if I can't have you then what's the point it's all alive everything this world is all just fuck fuck this fucking shit and his fucking want you and I get fucking do this it's so fucking hard I just wish that it was easier and the world didn't fucking wants this way I wish that these people didn't fuck in the world I want to kill them all I just want them to die so that we can be together I want to fix this shit so that we can make it right I want to make it right so bad I want to make it right I want to make it right I want to make it right I want to fix the world that I want to be together I don't want this shit anymore it hurts so bad I can take it we're not whores I don't want us to be that I don't want to be that I don't want us to lose each other and so fucking fragile it's so fragile and some rasha is so fragile and stuff fragile I'm so afraid of losing my connection to you and it's all ever wanted and I just about you and I hate how hard this is and I just want you so bad that I just want you so bad


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>cyberpunk is


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Anyone active


just curious if anyone is. lol


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I used to be, but I kind of gave up with exercise over the summer. I especially need to start taking walks like I used to.

It doesn't help that I haven't come around to reading anything cyberpunk yet.


hai ^_^


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what'd up?


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Sometimes, I wonder if it's possible to upload yourself to the web. I would like to do that, so I wouldn't need to worry about anything.


it would b so cool..



Post here every time you find a Lain related video on YouTube.
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yo im going to use this anon blogs thing. THANK YOU!!!!!




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There are Russians here?


There's nobody here


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I'm here.


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new jug
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What does your shit look like?




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look at this nigga



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Happy 4/20 day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(Don't actually smoke. It taste like shit)


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psychadelics are way more fun than weed
every time i tried weed was a let down
i spent the money i would've spent on it to make dmt
now that shit will make you see god

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