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wired - 15 Recent echoes from the wired.


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rat girl feet


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Nazrin is a mouse!


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Eyes Blue Like The Atlantic - Lofi Remix


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Colton asdf *as-duff*
rhymes is tragic
skinny mane magic
my iq low
my thoughts on tha show *serial experiments lain*
don't matter cuz I'm slow
lain ain't a bro
she is a girl
I'm out here saying I don't like the free world

big Colton out


cool. welcome fellow cyberpunk.


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nice rap, colton. welcome and have a nice day!


>>7280 yooo im back wassup wirechan


Hello, Colton.


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. .





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Post here every time you find a Lain related video on YouTube.





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yo im going to use this anon blogs thing. THANK YOU!!!!!


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dude this is my pfp


Thank you for your service.


is that vrc?


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Hi. :>


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where did everythread go


raid and admin still too lazy to do regular backups it seems.


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I'm remaking this general after I've come back to the site getting wiped. Talk about old, unwanted computers and other tech you've rescued from dumpsters, attics, sales, the side of the road, etc. and found a use for. Remember, it's only obselete if it can no longer do what you want.
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Recently, I dug up my old PSP Go I used as a kid and turned it into a retro game emulator. I used it for years when my parents bought it for me back in 2009 and I remember dropping it, getting water on it, and just the general abuse I put it through being a kid and all. Let me tell you, these things are resilient, and I feel like there should be something said about the strength and quality of older electronics, but that's for another day.

When I found it, there was dust all over and the screen was hanging off from the ribbon display cable. I found the original charger and it charged like normal and started right up with all my save data still there from well over a decade ago.

I originally found it just to play Dissidia Final Fantasy again, which was more an impulse decision than anything. In the process of doing that, however, I found that there's an entire community of modders that make plug ins and emulators for the PSP, so after getting Final Fantasy going I decided to download any and every game my heart desired. This included classics from the PSP like Dissidia, SOCOM, Syphon Filter, MGS Peace Walker etc, but also included Gameboy, DS, Atari, and even PS1 games that looked and played incredibly well.

The memory on these things is a measly 16gb which was a big deal, at the time, but kind've a joke in today's 2 tb hard drive world. Sony had a remedy for this, as did most handhelds back then, with the addition of an SD port.

So just buy a 128 gig SD card, no biggie, right? Well, no, Sony had something to say about that too. They wanted their products to be completely proprietary, which is so strange looking back, but I guess most companies did that back then. You could only use the Sony branded M2 memory cards, which would net you an extra 16 gigs at most, which was still not much more.

Well guess what? Today, people make nonproprietary converters for the PSP SD port specifically, that let your use any SD card from any brand and almost any size.

Now, after tightening the loose screws back up, cleaning out the internals, adding way more storage capacity and loading a bunch of new software onto this neat little device, it's better and has more potential than it ever did back in 09. The sound only works if I have headphones in, but I think that adds a little character to it haha

It's fascinating to see just how much we've progressed in the software world after having reacquainted myself with Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


I got myself nice pc with intel antom and 4GB of ram, works like a dream


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i wanna like make a little zen garden with little sprouts or some shit maybe like some flowerz


on a old keyboard like thiiiiissssss


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I know you can generate consciousness on 1.1 volts. I know this is the realest part of that game.

I am the most torture resistant person on Earth. I am open to an Olympic game for this sport. I can help you.


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PotatOS, long time no see.


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I saw the Apache2 Debian Default Page when I went here earlier today.

Does admin actually have backups of the site content now so we don't get wiped a third time?


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Actual true story inbound:

>be me

>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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i promise
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that was sad that day, idk if ur here anon…


I want to cry so hard right now, cry cry cry


why becasue ur a homosexual?


Why you got to lie like that.


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But yeah I've been okay I've been chilling on the computer a lot every once in a while I'll go to ride my bike. I've been trying to work on myself confidence. Right now I'm just kicking back and having a drink. I've been having a little bit of trouble going outside recently and I've been trying to break out of it mainly when I look into people's eyes it just looks like hollow nothingness and I want to kill them but also run from the same time I don't know I just hate everybody so much I just want them all to f** die so I went out today and then I just came right home because I didn't even want to f** deal with it and so yeah now I'm just sitting here.


First of all, stop drinking Monster Energy

Second of all, therapy!


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just stumbled across this, looks like the first post is only two months old?


wirechan was probably one of the most debate heavy chans pre soyjak party invasion, its fallen on hard times since.


It really is sad. Used to be one of my favorite sites. Checked it every day (even though it didn't get pots every day.) It's hard to get visit now that more than half the posts are spammy shitposting. I only check in now occasionally in the foolish hope things could return, but I don't see that happening.

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