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/art/ - Multimedia

Creative & Aesthetics
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File: 1713726263731-0.png (758.21 KB, 566x800, bfz03front.png)

File: 1713726263731-1.png (1.33 MB, 496x702, bfz03cont.png)

File: 1713726263731-2.png (63.5 KB, 823x735, bfz4.png)


Hi there, I edit a free internet zine called Black Fog Zine, I just wanted to make more people aware of it, as submissions for issue #4 are open.
I'm looking mostly for comics, but also illustrations, photography, haiku etc.
All the details and all 3 issues released so far are on the website, https://blackfogzine.org/

If you wish to submit something, contact me through email or discord (both are listed on the website)
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


This is a good magazine, highly recommend.

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This board is for the discussion and sharing of general multimedia (images, movies, music), wallpapers, poetry, and writing.
High quality posting and original content is desired, and remember global rules are in full effect.

Requests are welcome.
Have a great one!

(Source: https://twitter.com/hekihekiz/status/1518654608050110466)

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Hey i wanted to post my art here i know it isnt the best since my art skills are pretty umm shit but i felt like posting it here
i hope you like it
9 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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yeah sorry for not responding eheres some more art i guess


cool style post some more!


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heres some more!!


have you drawn any kirby-related art?


File: 1701040463511.jpg (3.2 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20231126_151312314.jpg)


Support Cyberpunk Bridge Sanctuaries
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


i really feel like i need to move my body more….


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maybe try giving calisthenics a shot :D >>844


well really i just need to live a healthy balenced lifestyle. sadly bridges, not neets, is that…


im sorry niether bridges, nor neets. its like the body a zen. idk ha


but obviously also dont get a job at wallgreens or whatever kek

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I really like the full release: https://archive.org/details/Akiroinochi-Secrets


yea its a nice album frfr



yea its good

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post music to glide when feeling it/vibing.
weekend nights on drugs
only mixes/mashups 20+ minutes
only one link per day/person

2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Now I'm more confused. What is this thread actually about?


just post a nice mashup lmao


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File: 1702064169414.jpg (3.19 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20231208_113525899.jpg)


i made a picture




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idk how this crap works


Did you draw these? You are very talented!

File: 1714519460857.jpg (1.13 MB, 1291x877, mdbnousaurons.jpg)



I was wondering if anyone here has heard of this or has any takes on it as a whole? It's an english-french bilingual standalone game based on fallout tactics which takes an explicitly anarchistic approach with it's presentation…I found a single video about it on youtube and most of the discussion within the video's comments were slamming ideology more so than discussing the contents of the game. It also apparently was funded in part by the canada council for the arts. I've screwed around in the game a bit but found the UI to be confusing, going to give it another chance here soon.

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