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File: 1693571552753.png (331.7 KB, 512x512, nemuswaifugen-IGxlZXQgdG--….png)


post music to glide when feeling it/vibing.
weekend nights on drugs
only mixes/mashups 20+ minutes
only one link per day/person



Such a highly specific request.
Also what the hell is gliding?


no no the request is not specific its just new youtube meta to make completely awkward titles for mashups that have nothing to do with the actual music.
Also the nights on drugs are just symbolic. Nights alone in front of the computer, but having fun and not feeling awful meanwhile.
gliding aka spacegliding is a league of legends mechanic were you repeatedly alternate between autoattacking with a ranged champ and moving to cancel the post-autoattack animation of your AA. Usually you call it kiting but some faggot on twitch (probably) thought it would be cooler if he called it spacegliding


Now I'm more confused. What is this thread actually about?


just post a nice mashup lmao


File: 1693840200200.jpg (163.16 KB, 770x770, 34377f0cb4be6501387a6ab00a….jpg)


File: 1693841191276.png (423.9 KB, 600x656, d9dd4fa11caf3b90042bc018e2….png)



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