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R: 4 / I: 2


The written word has long been my favorite medium for storytelling specifically because of how interpretive it is. When reading I can change the style I use to visualize things and it can completely change the experience of a book. Once you see an adaptation of a book that is lost, or at least heavily damaged. Having literally scene what the characters look like and how scenes play out I find myself having to actively avoid falling back on the movie or comic or whatever for my visualization, even when they go expressly against the text. For example, here's a bunch of artwork for The Hobbit that predates any movie adaption. There were so many interpretations of things like Gollum before the movies, and now there's only one. The recent Gollum game has (among many far more valid criticisms) been widely criticized for changing Gollum's face from what the movie went with. Only the face, the rest is just a slight variation of the movie design. In addition, the nature of writing leads it to being the most detailed medium of storytelling by far. You can look into peoples heads without breaking the flow, showing an inner monologue in a movie would be criticized for telling not showing; you can explain action with all the wonderful flavor of English connotation; the difference between lumbering or striding or marching to describe somebody walking for example (this is also a very interpretive part of writing, as connotation is naturally subjective); you can go into absurd world building detail, as seen with The Silmarillion and the Lord of the Rings appendices. All of these aspects are lost when you turn a book into a movie. This isn't to disparage other mediums for storytelling, only to enumerate some of the strengths of writing and explain why it is my favorite. Some of these strengths are even shared with other forms, but never all. For this reason I am pretty against adapting books, and adaptations in general. I feel like stories should be left in their original medium, you can make connected stories across mediums, but again you should perhaps not; a movie can be a squeal to a book, but again the visualization aspect will be hurt by showing exactly how the characters look. I want to hear more thoughts and perspectives about adaptions, though I don't want this to devolve into arguing about how faithful adaptions should be and which adaptions are best; I've had that conversation plenty of times.
R: 14 / I: 7


Hey i wanted to post my art here i know it isnt the best since my art skills are pretty umm shit but i felt like posting it here
i hope you like it
R: 10 / I: 1
Support Cyberpunk Bridge Sanctuaries
R: 7 / I: 2

music to glide

post music to glide when feeling it/vibing.
weekend nights on drugs
only mixes/mashups 20+ minutes
only one link per day/person

R: 2 / I: 0
i made a picture
R: 1 / I: 0
idk how this crap works
R: 0 / I: 0

The Sum / Nous Aurons


I was wondering if anyone here has heard of this or has any takes on it as a whole? It's an english-french bilingual standalone game based on fallout tactics which takes an explicitly anarchistic approach with it's presentation…I found a single video about it on youtube and most of the discussion within the video's comments were slamming ideology more so than discussing the contents of the game. It also apparently was funded in part by the canada council for the arts. I've screwed around in the game a bit but found the UI to be confusing, going to give it another chance here soon.
R: 2 / I: 0 (sticky)

Black Fog Zine

Hi there, I edit a free internet zine called Black Fog Zine, I just wanted to make more people aware of it, as submissions for issue #4 are open.
I'm looking mostly for comics, but also illustrations, photography, haiku etc.
All the details and all 3 issues released so far are on the website, https://blackfogzine.org/

If you wish to submit something, contact me through email or discord (both are listed on the website)
R: 2 / I: 1
Been listening Y24U's work
Is quite nice

R: 3 / I: 1

helping jews

R: 0 / I: 0 (sticky)

Welcome to /art/

This board is for the discussion and sharing of general multimedia (images, movies, music), wallpapers, poetry, and writing.
High quality posting and original content is desired, and remember global rules are in full effect.

Requests are welcome.
Have a great one!

(Source: https://twitter.com/hekihekiz/status/1518654608050110466)