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Creative & Aesthetics
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File: 1713726263731-0.png (758.21 KB, 566x800, bfz03front.png)

File: 1713726263731-1.png (1.33 MB, 496x702, bfz03cont.png)

File: 1713726263731-2.png (63.5 KB, 823x735, bfz4.png)


Hi there, I edit a free internet zine called Black Fog Zine, I just wanted to make more people aware of it, as submissions for issue #4 are open.
I'm looking mostly for comics, but also illustrations, photography, haiku etc.
All the details and all 3 issues released so far are on the website, https://blackfogzine.org/

If you wish to submit something, contact me through email or discord (both are listed on the website)


you got lucky… this actually looks kinda interesting i may read it.


This is a good magazine, highly recommend.

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