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Creative & Aesthetics
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File: 1716153954863-0.png (51.2 KB, 400x400, CC361360-7E45-430B-BF42-12….png)

File: 1716153954863-1.png (133.14 KB, 400x400, B19E4678-8FCE-44CB-9602-07….png)


Hey i wanted to post my art here i know it isnt the best since my art skills are pretty umm shit but i felt like posting it here
i hope you like it


pretty cool, anon. what software do you use?


kidpix.app also i use tuxpaint and the editor on my phone hehe ;)


File: 1716163502906.png (25.94 KB, 123x181, you.png)

besdies gimp


btw: 1 niggl3b


I use ibispaint i used to have a pc but it got turned into a brick so i have to use a tablet to draw now


But yeah its ibispaint




post more


File: 1716172704041.png (13.43 KB, 77x117, idc.png)

or dont idk


File: 1716262006899-0.png (153.53 KB, 400x400, 3B66685F-D231-4AA0-9FBD-7E….png)

File: 1716262006899-1.png (166.66 KB, 400x400, A71BEC65-149B-4D2C-86AE-6D….png)

yeah sorry for not responding eheres some more art i guess


cool style post some more!

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