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File: 1714519460857.jpg (1.13 MB, 1291x877, mdbnousaurons.jpg)



I was wondering if anyone here has heard of this or has any takes on it as a whole? It's an english-french bilingual standalone game based on fallout tactics which takes an explicitly anarchistic approach with it's presentation…I found a single video about it on youtube and most of the discussion within the video's comments were slamming ideology more so than discussing the contents of the game. It also apparently was funded in part by the canada council for the arts. I've screwed around in the game a bit but found the UI to be confusing, going to give it another chance here soon.

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Been listening Y24U's work
Is quite nice



i've been listening to YMO almost 24/7 for last 5 years, and also to albums of individual YMO group members


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Would like to find more similar songs/artist.

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File: 1700805673469.jpg (36.27 KB, 447x581, acb9c977ea7c67918687482d31….jpg)

op is a jew.


I think you tried way too hard to mask your actual handwriting here.



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