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File: 1715888639852.jpg (150.78 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20240511_205633.jpg)


Colton asdf *as-duff*
rhymes is tragic
skinny mane magic
my iq low
my thoughts on tha show *serial experiments lain*
don't matter cuz I'm slow
lain ain't a bro
she is a girl
I'm out here saying I don't like the free world

big Colton out


cool. welcome fellow cyberpunk.


File: 1715970689028.png (828.11 KB, 720x720, proxy-image (1).png)

nice rap, colton. welcome and have a nice day!


>>7280 yooo im back wassup wirechan


Hello, Colton.


Shut up, Colton.


be nice to colton


colton where are you?

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