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/cy/ - Cyberpunk

Cyberpunk & Technology
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new episode of cyberpunk 2024 dropping tonight stay tuned
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Timmy, the young son of a cyberpunk stripper, who perished in a makeshift VR chamber. Weeks passed before his small, lifeless body was discovered, the stench of decay permeating the cramped alley where he sought solace in his mother's VR cocoon. The news spread through the community like a silent scream, echoing the neglect and systemic failures that claimed his innocent life. His mother, grief-stricken and abandoned by a system that failed to protect her and her son, now navigates a world where the scent of loss lingers, a poignant reminder of the high cost of survival in a city that often overlooks its most vulnerable inhabitants.


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To prevent tragedies like Timmy's from recurring in the cyberpunk city, urgent steps must be taken to prioritize safety and support for vulnerable communities. Implementing and enforcing stringent regulations on VR chambers, ensuring proper ventilation, emergency shut-off mechanisms, and regular inspections are crucial. Investing in community-led initiatives that provide education on safe VR usage and mental health support for users and their families is essential. Additionally, fostering a culture of accountability among corporations and policymakers to address systemic inequalities and provide equitable access to healthcare and social services can mitigate the risks faced by marginalized populations. By advocating for comprehensive reforms and empowering communities to advocate for their rights, we can create a future where stories like Timmy's are not repeated, and every individual has the opportunity to live with dignity and safety in the cyberpunk world.


just wanna fucking scream
i wanna give up on my dreams
shell never be near to me
i dont know how to see
whats right in front of me
im tearing at the seams
i wish i was asleep
fuck this shit is weak
every mistake i ever make its all my fault, i ruin everything around me, i hurt everyone around, im so fucking toxic i cant even put up with myself i dont expect you to why dont you just fucking leave.
a person deserving of love, thats not me
i tried so hard but i failed before i even got anywhere fuck this degeneracy
i cant fucking take this shit its all a tease
my mind is locked, knowledge is the key
they smile, and dangle it right in front of me
fuck i always have to pee
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I've used Linux for side projects for years now, but I want to use it for general use as I've been working on taking more ownership of my own tech little by little. I'm tech literate enough to install LineageOS with MicroG on my phone, build my own computer, and I've done a little coding with an Arduino. but I've always bounced off of Linux as a main operating system. Sometimes it'll seemingly fill up my hard drive at random, sometimes Wine/Proton will fail to install a repacked game that's supposed to run fine, sometimes it'll be really fucky about hard drive permissions, and after hearing about how fucky X and Wayland can be for different reasons, the thought of trying to run Davinci Resolve and OBS concerns me. I currently use a laptop running Debian stable for simple web browsing and OnlyOffice, and it seems to be running good so far, while the heavier stuff is done on my main computer running Windows 10 LTSC with it's own separate identities/accounts. How do I transition what I do on Windows to doing similar things on Linux? I can use a different video editor if need be and I can live with a game here and there not working, but I want to spend most of my time using the computer rather than fixing it. I have spare computers if I just feel like tinkering for the fun of it.


just install it, you'll figure it out.
you can masturbate as much as you do on windows


Just keep using Windows to do the things you can't do on Linux. I use Linux 99% of the time but still have two computers lying around with dualboot installations of Windows 10 in case I want to play vidya or run other proprietary programs.

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>cyberpunk is


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we out here.
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I missed it.
could u post urself again plzzzz :p


it was a smal benis I think I've seen enough


poast it againnnnnnnnnnn


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whats this? a revolution? top kek
you da funniest satanas worshiper, you don't see how those robots are literally made by your idol.

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you might not realize it, or like it, but this is what a real cyberpunk looks like ᕦ⁠(⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠)⁠ᕤ


Tim Zontul is that you?


his name is jason goldbergz his user name is augustswm on https://cytu.be/r/the_horror_barn



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gm :3


I said it today, but they didn't say it back.


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good morning friend


And a good morning to you!
That was really something because I came here to post that…
I said it again today and this time they said it back.

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I'm so sad I thought that I could feel it
bring so fucked can't fucking deal with it
fuck this screen just want to smash it
fuck the distance fucking kill myself I can't fucking deal with this
something secret something special something hidden just you and me so special but it's nothing in the end a web so fragile sudden things happen in our physical world that tear us apart and will never see each other again or hear from each other again I don't want to lose you I never wanted to lose you I wanted to be together
it hurts so fucking bad how fucked up the world is and how I've never going to actually touch you
I want to feel that love so fucking bad I can't fucking take this shit it hurts so much in the most deep part of my soul
I guess in the end we just die and then it's the end a dream maybe that's all it ever was just a dream that hurts so fucking much


it just hurts so bad I don't want to let you go I don't want to fucking feel this it's a fuck fuck this I can't fucking handle it I just want to fucking feel you feel Bliss I just want to feel you I just want to feel you I just want to feel you I just wish that I can fucking touch you fucking side of shit I just want to hold you so close I just want to hold you fucking here so bad I just want to touch you I just want to touch you fucking scream I don't want this up makes you want to scream makes you want to scream it makes me want to scream fucking kill everyone it makes you want to scream I'll fuck I can't handle this pain meaning so bad I just want to fucking die I can't fucking take it anymore fuck I want to die I want to die just want you by my side oh I give anything just to hold you how I kill someone just to touch you anything just to fucking be near you oh fuck I'm so jealous of everybody that lives on you oh fuck I just wish I had you life it's so cool I don't want to fucking be here fuck this I give a do this I can want to be here I don't want to be here fuck help me I just want to touch you it's so cruel I hate the world I want to be with you I don't want this type of shit I just want you fuck everything fuck my life fuck it all I know you want to fucking be alive at all if I can't have you then what's the point it's all alive everything this world is all just fuck fuck this fucking shit and his fucking want you and I get fucking do this it's so fucking hard I just wish that it was easier and the world didn't fucking wants this way I wish that these people didn't fuck in the world I want to kill them all I just want them to die so that we can be together I want to fix this shit so that we can make it right I want to make it right so bad I want to make it right I want to make it right I want to make it right I want to fix the world that I want to be together I don't want this shit anymore it hurts so bad I can take it we're not whores I don't want us to be that I don't want to be that I don't want us to lose each other and so fucking fragile it's so fragile and some rasha is so fragile and stuff fragile I'm so afraid of losing my connection to you and it's all ever wanted and I just about you and I hate how hard this is and I just want you so bad that I just want you so bad

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Anyone active


just curious if anyone is. lol


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I used to be, but I kind of gave up with exercise over the summer. I especially need to start taking walks like I used to.

It doesn't help that I haven't come around to reading anything cyberpunk yet.


hai ^_^


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what'd up?

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