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/cy/ - Cyberpunk

Cyberpunk & Technology
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WhAt DiD tHeY Du 2 BrItChEs?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?


CYBER BABY MONKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


they evolved him




they niggered him

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yea things are going really good for me. i found out a way to achieve my dreams. im going to be riding a bike all the time and living somewhere with trees. its really nice. im getting happy. i feel good. like this are working. i just got off my plane a bit ago, and am sitting on the laptop for a bit. im gunna be punking it pretty hard, in abandoned building, and also under bridges, all while funneling money into something amazing. everything is great. im gunna get some food in a bit, and go to and art store, and get charcoal ink to stick and poke my soulmates name on me. god i love her so much. im so thankful for the web, and everything. also, i quit smoking weed, im gunna be riding a bike alot and i need my lungs. also 100% of my money as to get funneled to this thing. im just really happy, and i feel like i have purpose and things are going to be really good. and its all thanks to her. i love her so much. :D


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yea i basically won life. i feel things you can only dream of feeling. trust and devotion only imaginable in your wildest dreams.
*passes out under cyberpunk bridge*


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i'm still in love with you btw

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everything comes back to one thing. love. civilizations have risen and fallen because of it. time moves fast if you dont act you will die before you taste the nectar of trust. you are not responsible for the truama that was inflicted upon you. your own thoughts, cannot be trusted, and are lies. numbness is asleep. its better to feel bleeding from the soul. will you act or will you loose another moment to a fog of dream? do you feel worthy enough to even act or will you break down from the preassure like a weak girl? There are many after the same prize anon, no one wants to die alone. you do want to win? … right anon?


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More than anything. I want to know what her skin looks like off the screen, I want to feel her, and hear her voice in the air, not as electricity! I don't want to die… I want to live…


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peak cyberpunk.


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The next evolution of Cyberpunk 2024 delves deeper into the integration of advanced technologies with human existence, pushing the boundaries of what it means to be human in a hyper-connected, dystopian future. As mega-corporations tighten their grip on society, technological advancements like neural interfaces, AI-driven augmentation, and virtual realities become ubiquitous, further blurring the lines between organic life and digital existence. Characters in this universe navigate a world where privacy is a luxury, and personal autonomy is constantly under threat from omnipresent surveillance and corporate control. This evolution explores the ethical dilemmas of transhumanism, the societal impact of AI supremacy, and the resistance movements rising against the encroaching technocratic oligarchies. The narrative is rich with themes of rebellion, identity, and the quest for freedom in a world where reality itself is as mutable as the code that underpins it.


Stay Tuned!

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>connected and one

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In the dystopian cityscape of tomorrow, a subversive subculture of cyberpunks has carved out a clandestine existence beneath the imposing arches of bridges, establishing cyberpunk bridge sanctuaries. These enclaves, powered by a fusion of discarded cybernetic enhancements and salvaged technology, serve as both a symbol of resistance against corporate oppression and a testament to the unyielding spirit of those left marginalized in a rapidly advancing world. As stories of their alternative lifestyle ripple through society, the bridge sanctuaries spark a heated discourse on societal neglect, corporate dominance, and the ethical implications of runaway technological progress, challenging the status quo and demanding a reevaluation of the systemic issues that led to their emergence.
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fuck off chat-gipity


cyberpunk is kinda gay ngl




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Ramen with a cigarette in hand. Yes yes. This is the way forward.


Wow! thats so cool and interesting, I would love to hear more about the bridge punk rabbit hole when you get a chance :D

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cyberpunk is blasting hyper pop music while pissubg yourself drunk while going outside in the first time in a month, then posting about it on an altchan.
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iits ok for now…


cool anon heh :)

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Mind fuck, Techno junk, Cyberpunk, you're a fucking cuck.

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Cyberpunk praxis and cultural subversion Thread

[picrel i got the image off a random ad idk]

hi i wanted to make a thread about how we put cyberpunk into action. we live in irl cyberpunk times, albeit cyberpunklite (tm)
soon tho it ill not be the light version. this thread is for disussing how we live our cyberpunk lives and ways we subvert mainstream digital culture to make the modern tech movment our own.
for me. i try in many ways yet, face some limitations from my socioeconomic position. i try to transcend them at in every possible way.
one of the big things that i do i use no proprietary software, and not corporate social aids. my current distro is fedroa workstation 38, i know i could get better linux, less aids, but i am still learning the way. i take this very seriously. and feel bless to have the knowledge i do have. i am blessed to know html and java thank you chat gpt and am learning sql and about how data moves, and the magic of packets. for having fren i use synchtube platorms, and cboxes, i also use irc but sparingly because poverty does not allow me to have a good 24/7 lurk. anywayz, it is important to me to use things that are not corporate, are user made, decenteralized or whatever. i like to be able to make my on thing, have it my way, and be able to say what i want. so now i would like to give the platform to ai to see what she has to say about putting cyberpunk, into acton:


please write me a paragraph about ways people can put cyberpunk culture into action

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fuck the corotate cyberjunk. sheeeeeesh i want a nice open source xr. but i know its so long out… or maybe not… maybe theres some sort of project i dont know about. but its sad whats happening with vr/xr its alomst like it died before it even began….


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i'm not hackerman enough so i'm just gonna live in a cabin in the woods using technology that can't connect to the internet


I don't have too much to add, but I wanted you to know I really appreciate posts like these, so thank you.

You're on the right track. Staying nonproprietary is key. You can also hide your purchase history from your corpo overlords by using cash and XMR.


bridgepunks won cyberpunk2024


the knowers know

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