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/cy/ - Cyberpunk

Cyberpunk & Technology
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everything comes back to one thing. love. civilizations have risen and fallen because of it. time moves fast if you dont act you will die before you taste the nectar of trust. you are not responsible for the truama that was inflicted upon you. your own thoughts, cannot be trusted, and are lies. numbness is asleep. its better to feel bleeding from the soul. will you act or will you loose another moment to a fog of dream? do you feel worthy enough to even act or will you break down from the preassure like a weak girl? There are many after the same prize anon, no one wants to die alone. you do want to win? … right anon?


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More than anything. I want to know what her skin looks like off the screen, I want to feel her, and hear her voice in the air, not as electricity! I don't want to die… I want to live…


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