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wired - 15 Recent echoes from the wired.


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Afrofuturism is a cultural, artistic, and literary movement that explores the intersection of African diaspora culture with technology, science fiction, and speculative futures. Rooted in the experiences and histories of people of African descent, Afrofuturism imagines alternate realities, reimagines past events, and envisions utopian or dystopian futures. It celebrates the resilience, creativity, and potential of black communities while challenging mainstream narratives and stereotypes. Through mediums like music, literature, film, and visual art, Afrofuturism fosters a space for exploring identity, empowerment, and social justice within a framework that embraces both the past and the possibilities of tomorrow.
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you will never be a real woman




niggering is cyberpunk


i litterally cant stop laughing at the word afro futurism or whatever bwahahahahahahahha lool


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new jug


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new episode of cyberpunk 2024 dropping tonight stay tuned




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Timmy, the young son of a cyberpunk stripper, who perished in a makeshift VR chamber. Weeks passed before his small, lifeless body was discovered, the stench of decay permeating the cramped alley where he sought solace in his mother's VR cocoon. The news spread through the community like a silent scream, echoing the neglect and systemic failures that claimed his innocent life. His mother, grief-stricken and abandoned by a system that failed to protect her and her son, now navigates a world where the scent of loss lingers, a poignant reminder of the high cost of survival in a city that often overlooks its most vulnerable inhabitants.


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To prevent tragedies like Timmy's from recurring in the cyberpunk city, urgent steps must be taken to prioritize safety and support for vulnerable communities. Implementing and enforcing stringent regulations on VR chambers, ensuring proper ventilation, emergency shut-off mechanisms, and regular inspections are crucial. Investing in community-led initiatives that provide education on safe VR usage and mental health support for users and their families is essential. Additionally, fostering a culture of accountability among corporations and policymakers to address systemic inequalities and provide equitable access to healthcare and social services can mitigate the risks faced by marginalized populations. By advocating for comprehensive reforms and empowering communities to advocate for their rights, we can create a future where stories like Timmy's are not repeated, and every individual has the opportunity to live with dignity and safety in the cyberpunk world.


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Is Gikopoi better or worse than IRC?


gikopoi is a game totally different thing


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nah, boards won


I have no experience with this gigaboy but I'm trying it right now.


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Anyone got wirechan copypastas laying around?


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oops sorry for using the site heh…


whos all in irc?


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. .




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i promise


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Thanks, anon.


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We as some of you might be aware are coming to an end of the age of man. Sometime in the near future we will enter the age of the Biomechanoid. Will you accept the cold embrace of metal and rise above your primitive state ascending to godhood to find your destiny amongst the stars. Or will you stay a sorry blob of flesh and be left behind to die on this sick and decaying world. The choice is yours!


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The softness of human touch will only be something they talk about in stories of the past. What does it mean to evolve?


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i won




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w00t xD
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i raped her


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party party




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ut oh…


oopsies hehe >.<


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WhAt DiD tHeY Du 2 BrItChEs?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?


CYBER BABY MONKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


they evolved him




they niggered him

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