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/b/ - Random

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File: 1723614189551.jpg (2.66 MB, 2808x2077, 1632345832328.jpg)


rat girl feet


File: 1725705975480.png (146.75 KB, 422x429, 59f64be81656b50b65b7e942ef….png)

Nazrin is a mouse!

File: 1723924230801.jpg (40.38 KB, 584x328, gladospotato.jpg)


I know you can generate consciousness on 1.1 volts. I know this is the realest part of that game.

I am the most torture resistant person on Earth. I am open to an Olympic game for this sport. I can help you.


File: 1723931402828.png (877.87 KB, 827x468, 447333463.PNG)

PotatOS, long time no see.

File: 1723439774438.jpg (439.19 KB, 1160x1053, 1564600035719.jpg)


Actual true story inbound:

>be me

>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
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File: 1718178470904.png (845.88 KB, 801x794, 1.png)


i promise
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1718384075642.png (903.51 KB, 867x1070, iniggered.png)


that was sad that day, idk if ur here anon…


I want to cry so hard right now, cry cry cry


why becasue ur a homosexual?


Why you got to lie like that.

File: 1716411868424.jpg (51.72 KB, 640x480, Euroshopper_defiles_youth.jpg)


Anyone got wirechan copypastas laying around?


File: 1720568817222.jpg (64.24 KB, 959x959, cryptomillionaire.jpg)

How about you write one kthxbai

File: 1719974745179.jpg (1.74 MB, 1964x1434, IMG_20240702_194159820_MF_….jpg)




( ̄ω ̄)


I hope that's not what I think it is, glad it's only 146x139 at least


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File: 1714600244505.jpg (2.59 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20240501_144929890.jpg)


25 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1718423810302.jpg (1.79 MB, 4000x1800, IMG_20240614_133610899.jpg)


File: 1718426217459.jpg (1.55 MB, 4000x1800, IMG_20240614_213556053.jpg)


This is very sad.





why cause ur homosexual?

File: 1717954035949.png (665.24 KB, 1225x785, joxBFrz.png)


Is Gikopoi better or worse than IRC?


gikopoi is a game totally different thing


File: 1717959941193.png (1.67 KB, 610x210, cat (1).png)

nah, boards won


I have no experience with this gigaboy but I'm trying it right now.

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File: 1716173333316.png (4.28 KB, 44x48, i niggered.png)

oops sorry for using the site heh…


whos all in irc?

File: 1717897782020.png (303.02 KB, 448x435, muthafuckinme.png)






i won



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