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File: 1717897782020.png (303.02 KB, 448x435, muthafuckinme.png)






i won



File: 1712981464538.gif (746.04 KB, 508x583, c68u1q.gif)


w00t xD
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i raped her


File: 1716429433808.mp4 (844.8 KB, 498x498, pets-dancing-chinese-song-….mp4)

party party




File: 1717898553621.gif (1.45 MB, 398x498, AGAIN.gif)

ut oh…


oopsies hehe >.<

File: 1714518763897.jpg (22.77 KB, 500x446, 1714062060319293.jpg)


Can wirechan count to 10?
64 posts and 44 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.








cyberpunk black people



Yeah yeah, you are very one note

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Happy 4/20 day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(Don't actually smoke. It taste like shit)


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whatever happened to bridge anon?
Are bridge sanctuaries dead?
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File: 1716067150875.png (34.02 KB, 282x230, iniggered.png)


Everyone that was here before the raid left.


I never left, anon.


tru tho


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transient stellar - rkodr

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This place get nuked again? I've been gone awhile. I don't even see my old dumb rant about soijacks that survived the last wipe.
6 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


how eloquently put, my friend


For someone supposedly so busy getting laid, you sure have plenty of time to seek out barely advertised corners of the internet just to talk shit. Now fuck off or lurk moar.


>doesn't recognize an ancient copypasta
>'lurk moar'
just posting here to laugh at you


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ironic, isn't it?


I don't longer remember well how it was before, I visited the site very little at that time but now i want to go back to how it was. You don't know what you have until you lose it.

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Haha! Merry Pridemas.


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how did you find out about wirechan?


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the wired


I don't longer remember it. it is one of those webs that has been in the bookmarks since forever.


I can't remember.


A post on crystal.cafe mentioned altchans and I found a list of them somewhere, and this was on there. While we're on the subject, what happened to anon.cafe?

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how much do young women fear getting old?


alot because then they dont have power over men sexually.


would you a babushka?


Depends on the woman, I'd say.

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