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yo anyone here active or

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Can wirechan count to 10?
72 posts and 45 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider, or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked: his wrath towards you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else, but to be cast into the fire; he is of purer eyes than to bear to have you in his sight; you are ten thousand times more abominable in his eyes, than the most hateful venomous serpent is in ours. You have offended him infinitely more than ever a stubborn rebel did his prince; and yet it is nothing but his hand that holds you from falling into the fire every moment. It is to be ascribed to nothing else, that you did not go to hell the last night; that you were suffered to awake again in this world, after you closed your eyes to sleep. And there is no other reason to be given, why you have not dropped into hell since you arose in the morning, but that God’s hand has held you up.



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Holy fuck, I know none of the shit I vent about here will ever help, I am a lost fucking cause. Neo liberalism allows sad fucks like me to bypass the laws of natural selection.
I was gonna meet my friends who I've abstained from for 8 months today. I was gonna go to church and beg for the means to push though my sad state of fucking being and praise the lord for my gifts. I was gonnaq gonna study literature this year. I was gonna excell in my studies these two fucking weeks.

Today I spent all of my fucking day fucking gooning. Not giving a single fuck of awareness. Fucking GOONING. I spent the most important day for me to see the only people who have t bear my loser fucking personhood. Fuck. I want to fucking kill myself out of anger of myself. Waste of fucking time.
Its midnight now. Just finished my gooning fucking session, of building up for 8 hours. Only now it striked me, fuck my motherfucking soul. It was such a fucking giant orgasm I entered a meditative state for a minute, and all I could think of? It gave me a realization, a long time I've had such a brain numbing orgasm, I realized I've spent a year using my dick, not computers, not imageboards, not alcohol or someshit MY FUXKING DICK. IVE BEEN GOONING ALMOST EVERY FUCKINV DAY for . I HAVE ACCOMPLISHED NOTHUNG NOT OUT OG LAAZINESS, OUT OF FUCKING GOONING. FUCKIBG G O O N I N G. I've been using my fucking porb addiction anf wasted the most important fucking years of my life.

I know I'm still a faggot and will keep gooning, a gun to my wasteful skull would be good merit. I will do hypnosis as it did help plenty and shit but I doubt I will overcome my bullshit, its all just shorf delay to the eventual conclusion. Not sure if I'll sleep this night. To wake up with fresh thoughts and decide to goon again? Epictetus would kill me for natures sake, what the fuck am I doing in my life. Even now, posting this here, its complete bullshit. Holy fuck i sill ve surprised the day my death comes. My life is short term bullshit. Goodbye.
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>tfw ur soulmate wants to be some psychopaths bitch, and your in your room alone gooning


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anon 8 hours is really excessive yow gotta learn to cum faster


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1. stop being a nazi bitch
2. get a trans girlfriend fucker


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maybe I will….

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what is this place?


You have one week to figure it out before we start mailing you assorted classic fiction novels.


and bibles

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Colton asdf *as-duff*
rhymes is tragic
skinny mane magic
my iq low
my thoughts on tha show *serial experiments lain*
don't matter cuz I'm slow
lain ain't a bro
she is a girl
I'm out here saying I don't like the free world

big Colton out
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>>7280 yooo im back wassup wirechan


Hello, Colton.


Shut up, Colton.


be nice to colton


colton where are you?

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has anyone here gone through this before?
im on a prescribed very low dose but coming off has shown to be hard


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smoke fentanyl and go driving.


if i was going to it would def be in a cybertruck

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This is very sad.





why cause ur homosexual?


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Happy 4/20 day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(Don't actually smoke. It taste like shit)


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psychadelics are way more fun than weed
every time i tried weed was a let down
i spent the money i would've spent on it to make dmt
now that shit will make you see god



Hey venezoid it's Richard, hope you're ok

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new jug
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


What does your shit look like?




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look at this nigga


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That's your "image board" ?
>We are a Lain focused community that encourages philosophical, esoteric, alternative, counterculture related, technological and cyberpunk discussion, this being with a mature userbase. We have a variety of boards for you entertainment and discussion.
>The Wirechan experience is expected to be comfy, and philosophical.
<just the same few alt-chan nomads dumping their weebshit again



It didn't use to be so.


What more do you want?




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